The Hon Bill Shorten MP

Latest Media Releases

More Government services under one roof on the Gold Coast

Government services are now more accessible for people on the Gold Coast, with citizenship testing now available at Services Australia’s Biggera Waters Service Centre.

Flood affected Kensington residents call for action

The Minister for NDIS and Government Services and local Member for Maribyrnong Bill Shorten called on Melbourne Water to take immediate action to address widespread community concerns following the reclassification of Kensington Banks as a high-risk flood zone.

Criminals sentenced as Taskforce catches million-dollar fraudster

Three people have faced court for defrauding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) while another disability provider awaits sentencing as the Fraud Fusion Taskforce (FFT) clamps down on criminals looking to exploit the Scheme.

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Latest Editorials

Bulldogs are beautiful companions & worthy AFL team mascots

It was Harry S Truman who said “If you want a friend in (insert name of city where politicians gather), get a dog”.

Vital help passes pub test

The pub test has been part of the Australian vernacular for... well, maybe since the Hope and Anchor opened in Hobart in 1807 and the first bloke to down a schooner regaled the room with his opinion.

Paralympic glory just as exhilarating as a Collingwood flag

A few weeks back I wrote here about the magic of the Olympics and how it captured my attention and imagination since I was kid.

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Latest Speeches

Opening of Guide Dogs Victoria Sensory Campus

Minister Shorten gave an address at Guide Dogs Victoria campus in Melbourne, outlining the Government’s commitment to supporting the work of guide dog organisations and the important role that guide dogs play in the lives of those with vision loss.

National Press Club Speech - Government Services in Australia: the next decade

Minister Shorten gave an address at the National Press Club, discussing the future of Government Services in Australia.

Minister Shorten speech at Stefan Romaniw’s State Funeral

Minister Shorten speaks on behalf the Prime Minister at Stefan Romaniw OAM State Funeral.

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Latest Transcripts

Minister Shorten interview on 3AW Radio Melbourne with Tom Elliott

Minister Shorten discusses Melbourne Water flood rezoning in Kensington Banks; future of the NDIS

Minister Shorten doorstop interview at Northcott Dapto Disability Hub

Minister Shorten doorstop interview to discuss Northcott Dapto Disability Hub; NDIS reform; Housing; Interest rates; University of Canberra

Minister Shorten interview on 2ST Mornings with Graeme Day

Minister Shorten discusses Northcott Dapto Disability Hub; NDIS reform

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