The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP
Latest Media Releases
Delivering for Northern Territory communities
The Albanese Labor Government is continuing to deliver for Central Australian communities by funding prevention and intervention initiatives to address gender-based violence, along with supporting new job opportunities and boosting economic development through two key programs.
More Safe Places for women and children experiencing violence in the Northern Territory
The Albanese Labor Government is delivering for the Northern Territory, with additional funding to provide 56 safe places for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence.
Investing in Community-led Men’s Wellness Centres to help stem violence
The Albanese Labor Government is committed to supporting families, children and communities in the Northern Territory and to help address the disproportionate rates of gender-based violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Latest Editorials
Too much at stake to falter over next step for change
We became a step closer to a referendum on a Voice to Parliament last Wednesday with the passing of the Bill through the Lower House.
Labor Delivers Family and Domestic Violence Leave as one way to save lives
More than 11 million employees are now eligible for ten days leave to deal with the impacts of family and domestic violence and whether they ever need it or not, the protection is there.
Minister Rishworth – Opinion piece – Herald Sun
There is a moment I recall with my eldest son Percy whenever I think about gender-norms, family dynamics and respectful relationships.
Latest Speeches
Launch of National Autism Strategy
Minister Rishworth gave an address to launch Australia’s National Autism Strategy at Trinity on Hampton Perth.
Launch of the National Carer Strategy
Minister Rishworth spoke at the launch of the National Carers Strategy.
National Disability Services Executive Leaders Conference
Minister Rishworth gave a Ministerial Address at the National Disability Services Executive Leaders Conference in Adelaide, outlining the Government’s work to reform the disability employment sector.
Latest Transcripts
Minister Rishworth Press Conference in Alice Springs
Minister Rishworth discusses Domestic and family violence; Safe places; Men's wellness centres; Community infrastructure; Economic development; Income Management.
Minister Rishworth interview on ABC Alice Springs Breakfast
Minister Rishworth discusses Domestic and family violence; Safe places; Men's wellness centres; NDIS.
Minister Rishworth press conference in Katherine
Minister Rishworth discusses men’s healing centres, family and domestic violence and Income Management at a press conference in Katherine.