Media Releases
$110.6 million renewed commitment to end gender-based violence in NSW
The Albanese Labor Government and Minns Labor Government are working together to deliver more critical frontline family, domestic and sexual violence services in NSW.
Helping disengaged NSW youth get back in the game
The Albanese and Minns Governments are partnering to connect disadvantaged young people with education, training and employment in NSW.
Helping First Nations women and children leave violent relationships in the NT
The Albanese Labor Government is supporting First Nations women and children living in Darwin in the Northern Territory to leave violent intimate partner relationships
Government acknowledges National Apology for Forced Adoptions anniversary
Today on the 12th anniversary of the National Apology for Forced Adoptions, the Albanese Labor Government acknowledges the trauma faced by children, families, and communities due to past forced adoption practices.
Increasing digital literacy for migrant and refugee women
The Albanese Labor Government is continuing its investment in the Digital Sisters program to support migrant and refugee women across the country to grow their digital literacy.
No interest loans locked in to help ease cost of living
The Albanese Labor Government is locking in no interest loans for the next five years with an additional $48.7 million to support Australians with the cost of living.
Supporting strong community houses and boosting access to government services
More vulnerable Australians will soon have better access to essential government services and programs that build their social connections within their own communities.
Labor delivering a stronger and fairer NDIS
The Albanese Labor Government’s significant reforms and investment have put the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) back on track.
Keeping First Nations families safe in Western Australia
The Albanese Labor Government is working in partnership with First Nations communities across Western Australia to address domestic and family violence, investing up to $9.4 million to set up three new Men’s Wellness Centres.
Partnering with investors to create jobs for disadvantaged Australians
The Albanese Government is partnering with investors and philanthropic organisations to enhance access to capital for social enterprises that provide jobs for disadvantaged Australians.
New First Nations-led project to help keep East Kimberley families safe
A new early intervention project to protect First Nations women and children from family violence in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia will soon be rolled out.
Millions of Australians set for a financial boost
More than five million Australians receiving social security payments will soon have more money in their pockets with the latest round of indexation hitting bank accounts this month.
Closing the Gap for First Nations families in Melbourne
The Albanese Labor Government will provide $3.19 million in grants for First Nations-led trial projects in Darebin, Melbourne that will strengthen families, reduce family and domestic violence, and help keep kids out of out-of-home care.
$13 million partnership to address gender-based violence in Northern Territory
The Albanese Labor Government is partnering with the Northern Territory Government to boost funding for frontline critical family, domestic and sexual violence services in the territory.
Albanese Government strengthening support for victims and survivors in the justice system
The Albanese Government has tabled the Australian Law Reform Commission’s (ALRC) inquiry into justice responses to sexual violence report and announced a $21.4 million package to strengthen support for victims and survivors.
New investment in toy libraries to support children with disability
The Albanese Government has reinforced its commitment to building a better future for children with disability or development delay by investing another $600,000 in toy libraries
Labor delivers on commitment to build a stronger community sector
The Albanese Labor Government is delivering on its commitment to strengthen and support community sector organisations with the launch of a refreshed collaborative approach.
Boosting job opportunities for people with disability
The Albanese Labor Government continues to deliver on its commitment to create an inclusive labour market where everyone has the opportunity to work.
More than $6 million in funding for a renewed ACT and Federal Government partnership on ending gender-based violence
The Albanese Labor Government has reaffirmed its commitment to ending gender-based violence in the nation’s capital through the renewed five-year National Partnership Agreement on Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Responses (FDSV National Partnership).
New programs to end gender-based violence in Queensland communities
The Albanese Labor Government is continuing to address domestic and family violence, investing over $8.1 million in new Men’s Wellness Centres in Queensland.