Media Releases
Delivering for Northern Territory communities
The Albanese Labor Government is continuing to deliver for Central Australian communities by funding prevention and intervention initiatives to address gender-based violence, along with supporting new job opportunities and boosting economic development through two key programs.
More Safe Places for women and children experiencing violence in the Northern Territory
The Albanese Labor Government is delivering for the Northern Territory, with additional funding to provide 56 safe places for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence.
Investing in Community-led Men’s Wellness Centres to help stem violence
The Albanese Labor Government is committed to supporting families, children and communities in the Northern Territory and to help address the disproportionate rates of gender-based violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Strengthening support for Australia’s young carers
Australia’s unpaid young carers deserve our support, and the Albanese Labor Government is committed to assisting them to engage in education and pursue their study goals while navigate their caring roles.
Strengthening the National Debt Helpline
The Albanese Labor Government is ensuring vulnerable Australians experiencing financial stress and hardship have the support they need to manage their finances.
New Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme
Today, the Prime Minister has announced that I will take on the role of Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme following the retirement of the Hon Bill Shorten MP.
Autistic teens to learn about the power of artificial intelligence
The Albanese Labor Government is empowering young Autistic people in Western Australia to improve their education, employment and social engagement through the use of artificial intelligence (AI).
Release of the first National Autism Strategy
Today the Albanese Labor Government has launched Australia’s first National Autism Strategy and an associated Action Plan dedicated to improving inclusion, support and life outcomes for all Autistic Australians.
Social enterprises to grow their impact with federal funding injection
The Albanese Labor Government is taking action to tackle entrenched disadvantage by supporting social enterprises working with communities in need, through its Social Enterprise Development Initiative (SEDI) Capability Building Grants.
New trial project to help reduce the number of First Nations children in out of home care
The Albanese Labor Government is supporting a trial project to help prevent First Nations children from entering the child protection system and restore First Nations families in inner Sydney.
Media release: Streamlining Norfolk's Employment and Vet Services
The Australian Government is committed to supporting Norfolk Islanders build their future, with a new streamlined employment and VET assistance program to roll out from July 1 next year.
Boost to family violence training for frontline responders
Everyone deserves a safe, secure life free from gender-based violence and the Albanese Labor Government is committed to our shared goal of ending violence against women and children in one generation.
Supporting young men and boys in Victoria to end gender-based violence
The Albanese Labor Government is highlighting the importance of early intervention to end gender-based violence with the commitment of more than $23 million for programs across the country.
World-first data asset to improve outcomes for people with disability
Australia will now have a clearer research picture of people with disability aimed at improving their life outcomes, with the release of the first data from the National Disability Data Asset between Commonwealth, state and territory governments.
Boosting work and training programs for young people with mental ill health
The Albanese Labor Government is committed to supporting young people with mental ill health by further funding two proven programs that help those struggling find and keep a job, along with achieving study goals.
Funding community-led solutions to increase social and economic inclusion
The Albanese Labor Government is continuing to fund projects that can deliver real and lasting change for communities with the opening of the latest grant round under the Strong and Resilient Communities Activity.
Community-led initiatives to improve employment outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians
The Albanese Labor Government is partnering with the Victorian Government to deliver several community-driven Aboriginal employment initiatives in Victoria.
Funding boost to improve information, inclusion and connection for people with disability in Tasmania
The Australian Government has announced that two organisations delivering disability services in Tasmania will share in $1 million in grants, as part of the Government’s recent $31 million investment under the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program.
Investing to overcome disadvantage in South Australian communities
The Albanese and Malinauskas Labor Governments are partnering to invest in two key projects to tackle disadvantage across South Australian communities.
More than $31 million to improve information, inclusion and connection for people with disability
The Government has provided more than $31 million to 26 experienced organisations under the Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) program to support valuable and important community-based capacity building activities for people with disability, their families and carers.