The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP
Latest Media Releases
Keeping First Nations families safe in Western Australia
The Albanese Labor Government is working in partnership with First Nations communities across Western Australia to address domestic and family violence, investing up to $9.4 million to set up three new Men’s Wellness Centres.
Partnering with investors to create jobs for disadvantaged Australians
The Albanese Government is partnering with investors and philanthropic organisations to enhance access to capital for social enterprises that provide jobs for disadvantaged Australians.
New First Nations-led project to help keep East Kimberley families safe
A new early intervention project to protect First Nations women and children from family violence in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia will soon be rolled out.
Latest Editorials
Too much at stake to falter over next step for change
We became a step closer to a referendum on a Voice to Parliament last Wednesday with the passing of the Bill through the Lower House.
Labor Delivers Family and Domestic Violence Leave as one way to save lives
More than 11 million employees are now eligible for ten days leave to deal with the impacts of family and domestic violence and whether they ever need it or not, the protection is there.
Minister Rishworth – Opinion piece – Herald Sun
There is a moment I recall with my eldest son Percy whenever I think about gender-norms, family dynamics and respectful relationships.
Latest Speeches
Boosting job opportunities for people with disability - New grants under the Structural Adjustment Fund
Minister Rishworth address at Backed by Bedford, Brooklyn Park, Adelaide
Launch of the What’s My Future national disability support worker recruitment campaign
Minister Rishworth delivered an address at United Workers Union in Adelaide, South Australia, on the launch of the What’s My Future national disability support worker recruitment campaign.
Updated Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031, building a more inclusive Australia
Minister Rishworth gave an address at Deakin University, discussing the release of the updated Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.
Latest Transcripts
Minister Rishworth interview on The Today Show with Sarah Abo
Minister Rishworth discusses US tariffs; Ukraine peacekeeping.
Minister Rishworth interview on the Reasonable and Necessary Podcast with Dr George Taleporos
Minister Rishworth discusses the Government’s reform of the National Disability Insurance Scheme on the Reasonable and Necessary Podcast with Dr George Taleporos
Minister Rishworth interview on the Today Show with Charles Croucher
Minister Rishworth discusses Laos methanol poisoning investigation; Rugby League in Las Vegas; Academy Awards.