Topics: Investment in Australia’s neighbourhood houses and community centres; ABC Four Corners child care investigation.
AMANDA RISHWORTH, MINISTER FOR SOCIAL SERVICES: I'm so pleased to be here at Derwent Valley Community House to make a really important announcement that the Commonwealth Government will partner with neighbourhood houses and community centres across Australia to deliver funding for their priorities. This announcement will be close to a $1 million and deliver small grants to up to 50 projects delivered by neighbourhood houses and community centres through the Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association. This is a really good partnership. We have been investing through our Strong and Resilient Communities grants in neighbourhood houses directly. But this is the first time that we'll partner with the national association to deliver small grants across the country. Of course, here in Tasmania, there is a very strong network of neighbourhood houses and community centres, and they've demonstrated that they do a lot with a small amount of money. So, I'm really pleased to be announcing this partnership today, and happy to take any questions.
JOURNALIST: So, what’s the value of these individual grants?
AMANDA RISHWORTH: Individual grants will be up to $15,000 to do a variety of things under the SARC (Strong and Resilient Communities) grant guidelines. It's really about building community connections, particularly for those people that may be isolated, disengaged, disconnected. There's often a focus on youth or newly arrived migrants. But ultimately, the types of ideas will come from the centres themselves, and they'll be able to put an application into the association to get that funding.
JOURNALIST: You spoke about a lack of volunteers before over the past few years. Can you go into a little bit of that?
AMANDA RISHWORTH: COVID, in particular, disrupted volunteering across the country. We have been working hard with Volunteering Australia to build that back up. So we have put in place a National Strategy for Volunteering, along with an action plan. I've also been working with the peak associations in all states and territories to make sure that we're providing funding for them to look at groups that may have been excluded from volunteering in the past. And we're actually also running a new national campaign encouraging young people to look at volunteering. It's called Hanging Out to Help Out. So these are really important elements to encourage volunteering. But I would say that we are seeing some green shoots of this investment. We are seeing, anecdotally, volunteers coming back and wanting to play a role, and speaking with the volunteers at this neighbourhood centre, hearing that they want to give back to the community is really heartening. And we've also heard, of course, the connections that are made through volunteering and being part of a community.
JOURNALIST: Of those 50 community houses that you mentioned before. Are they predetermined or are applications open?
AMANDA RISHWORTH: We are providing the funding to the Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Centres Association to take applications and deliver that money. They are best placed and have the experience to do this. They have run a similar program with philanthropic money so they know how to do this. So we're partnering with the national association to administer those ones.
JOURNALIST: And is there a state by state allocation or is it first in best dressed?
KEIR PATERSON, CEO OF NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSES VICTORIA: We will assess all the applications, and they will be granted on the merit of the application. But we also look at the geographical spread to make sure it's equitable state by state.
JOURNALIST: Do you know how many are based in Tasmania compared to other states?
MICHELLE EWINGTON, PRESIDENT OF NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSES TASMANIA: So here in Tasmania, we have 35 neighbourhood houses that are funded through a variety of means. We're very lucky to have state government funding and a commitment to such valuable and vital services.
JOURNALIST: Is there a part of Tasmania that really takes up a lot of those 35 services, or how are they spread out?
MICHELLE EWINGTON: They are dispersed right around the state. Each of them have their own diverse communities that they work with. They listen to the needs of communities. They fill the gaps for vital services that are required across the state, and each of those will have a great interest in applying for specific project funding as a result of this grant.
JOURNALIST: You really rely on this funding. This 15K – is it enough?
MICHELLE EWINGTON: Funding is essential to keep our services alive. We have such loyal staff in these organisations that stretch themselves immensely to actually deliver on the much-needed services for each community. So whilst these grants are going to be very useful and of interest, the continued funding for such important services, having been here today listening to the stories of this great house itself, the experiences of the volunteers here, the more funding that can be provided to houses right across the country, but particularly here in Tasmania, it's essential.
JOURNALIST: What types of programs are being offered?
MICHELLE EWINGTON: Across the state there’s a diverse range of programs, from supporting people with learning to drive and mentor programs to offering social inclusion activities. Here we have a program called Happy Hookers Crochet Club. We offer cooking classes across the state. We bring services in so that they can meet the community where the community is. Community connectors is an important role that actually allows those that are vulnerable, those who may not have the skills, those who might not have the confidence, to approach the relevant services and get the referrals they need.
JOURNALIST: So for people coming through the door, what are some of the challenges that they're facing?
MICHELLE EWINGTON: The challenges that communities face again are complex. The cost of living - we see that every day. Things like our food relief programs, the increased need for those. When we think about isolation and loneliness and the impact on communities, again, another important need addressed by our houses. There are a number of other skill building programs which might not be accessible to people through other means, and so neighbourhood houses fill a vital space in our communities and in amongst government services.
JOURNALIST: Have you seen a change in the community needs post COVID?
MICHELLE EWINGTON: I think the change is pretty evident in in terms of the common themes that have come through - cost of living, impacts on mental health, loneliness, concerns about health access, housing. All of the things that we know are big ticket items. At a grassroots level, the neighborhood houses are the places where we hear this, where we learn this, and where we support this.
JOURNALIST: There are calls for an urgent inquiry into the childcare sector, following a Four Corners expose into abuse, sexual misconduct and neglect. Would you support an inquiry, and in what form?
AMANDA RISHWORTH: First, I would say that our Government has taken the safety and quality of early learning and care incredibly seriously. In fact, it was Labor that introduced the National Quality Framework, which has done really important work in ensuring that we're lifting the quality and safety of our early learning sector. But in addition, Minister Clare and Minister Aly commissioned an important report around child safety requirements under the National Quality Framework, and all Education Ministers have agreed to implement those recommendations. So the work really is working across the board with all states and territories to implement these recommendations. I would say that the majority of early childhood education settings and the workers that work in there do the right thing. For those that are not doing the right thing, there needs to be swift action.
JOURNALIST: And do you think there is swift action at the moment?
AMANDA RISHWORTH: Well as I said, predominantly the regulatory enforcement does come down to states and territories. However, as I said, Minister Clare and Minister Aly have worked and commissioned a review into child safety. There are now recommendations that all Education Ministers have agreed to. It's important that those recommendations are implemented.
JOURNALIST: The sector’s propped up by $14 billion in Federal funding, and there have been increased incidents and breaches in every state. What are you doing to prevent money for educators’ pay rises just going to the profits of centres?
AMANDA RISHWORTH: Well, let's be really clear if, if educators and centres sign up for the pay increases, they have to deliver those through pay increases. The program that involves funding educators’ wages must be given to educators. That's first and foremost. Secondly, we are driving improvement in this sector. It was neglected under the previous Government, who, in fact, opposed the introduction of the National Quality Framework. So it is important that we continue to work with our state and territory colleagues who are responsible for implementing it, but I want to see, importantly, action taken where we see quality improving and safety being lifted.
JOURNALIST: Given the systemic failures and serious breaches in childcare uncovered by Four Corners, does the Federal Government need to take over regulation to ensure children's safety?
AMANDA RISHWORTH: Well, we think that there is an important role to be played by both state and territory governments and the Commonwealth. It is a joint responsibility around the National Quality Framework. We have been working hard, as I said, through the Education Ministers, to do a review through the National Quality Framework to ensure that child safety is reviewed, and it's a responsibility for states and territories, along with the Commonwealth, to deliver this.
JOURNALIST: I guess, circling back to that first point, on calls for inquiry. Should there be one? Have you seen the reports from Monday on Four Corners?
AMANDA RISHWORTH: Of course, child safety has to be at the forefront at all times. And as I said, this has been something that Minister Aly and Minister Clare have had as a real focus. That's why they commissioned the review. That's why they've taken the recommendations to the Education Ministers, and that's why they are focused on implementation. We need to ensure that the implementation of these recommendations are made. That's critically important, and we'll keep working with states and territories to ensure that happens.
JOURNALIST: But no fresh inquiry?
AMANDA RISHWORTH: There was a review done in 2003 after a decade of neglect by the previous Government. There are recommendations made. It is now down to implementing them.