Summit on Peace in Ukraine

President Zelensky, President Amherd, distinguished colleagues of the Ukrainian and Swiss governments, esteemed guests.

It is an immense privilege to join you here today on behalf of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, to represent Australia at the inaugural Ukrainian Peace Summit.

I extend Australia's warm thanks to Switzerland for hosting this important event and reiterate our commitment to peace, prosperity and stability.

While geographically far, Australia knows that what happens in the Euro-Atlantic reverberates across the world, including the Indo-Pacific. Australia continues to unequivocally support Ukraine as it defends itself following Russia's illegal and immoral invasion.

We pay tribute to the unwavering resilience and courage of the Ukrainian people in defence of their sovereignty and territory, and the international rules based order. Aside from the terrible damage and loss of life in Ukraine, Russia's full scale invasion has had devastating global impacts.

It's compounded human suffering, displaced communities and exacerbated global food and energy insecurity. Australia remains committed to empowering Ukraine to end this war on its own terms.

Australia's contribution to date totals over $1 billion AUD. Our recent energy and humanitarian assistance package and suite of measures to hold Russia to account for its invasion align with Ukraine's peace formula priorities.

We also acknowledge the importance of restoring justice to Ukraine and holding Russia to account for its violations of international law.

Australia supports international legal mechanisms that seek to do this, including the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice. We continue to call upon Russia to withdraw from Ukraine's internationally recognised borders.

We stand proudly with partners here today to underscore the need to reach a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.

Together, we strive for a world where differences are managed through dialogue, not conflict. A world in balance, where no country dominates and no country is dominated.