Tabling of the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission's first Yearly Report to Parliament

Today the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission’s (the Commission) first Yearly Report on the progress of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032 was tabled in Parliament.

This inaugural report has been delivered one year after the release of the First Action Plan 2023‑2027 and the dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan 2023-2024 and tracks the progress of all Australian governments towards reaching the goals of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032.

The Commission works alongside the sector to amplify the voices of victim-survivors, and ensures that lived experiences and knowledge are heard, acted upon, and embedded into key Government policies and practice.

Assistant Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, Justine Elliot, also delivered a Statement on a Significant Matter today in Parliament to reaffirm the shared commitment to ending violence against women and children.

“I commend the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission on tabling the first yearly report to Parliament today,” Assistant Minister Elliot said.

“Everyone has a part to play in ending gender-based violence, and the Commonwealth Government acknowledges the continued bravery and dedication of all victim-survivors, the community sector, and the Commission for working with us to deliver real change.”

“We should be proud of the work that has been done to end gender-based violence in Australia to date, work done over many years by so many community services, frontline workers and advocates, and of course acknowledge that today’s report presents a vital opportunity for continued action, improvement, and development.”

The Albanese Labor Government has committed an additional $1.1 billion in funding over the 2024-25 Budget for new and continued women’s safety and men’s behaviour change initiatives. This builds on the $2.3 billion invested over the 22-23 and 23-24 Budgets, bringing the total investment to $3.4 billion.

Assistant Minister Elliot’s full Statement on a Significant Matter can be found on the Department of Social Services website.

The Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission’s tabled Yearly Report can be found on the Parliament of Australia website.

More information on the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032 is available on the Department of Social Services website.

If you or someone you know is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic, family, or sexual violence, call 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732 or visit for online chat and video call services.

If you are concerned about your behaviour or use of violence, you can contact the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491 or visit

Feeling worried or no good? Connect with 13YARN Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporters on 13 92 76, available 24/7 from any mobile or pay phone, or visit shame, no judgement, safe place to yarn.