New program to bridge the hearing service gap

Today, Hearing Australia with the support of the Australian Government announced the launch of a landmark program to help people at risk of isolation to access vital hearing services.

Visiting the Shepherd Centre, a not-for-profit organisation providing support to families of children with hearing loss in Canberra and across Australia, Minister Gallagher welcomed the establishment of the nation-wide initiative.

Launching on 1 July 2025, the initiative will be funded entirely by Hearing Australia’s commercial operations. The program will provide free hearing assessments, hearing aids and support to at risk individuals who are ineligible for Australian Government funded hearing services.

The Profit for Purpose initiative will focus on people who are unemployed, people experiencing homelessness, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 26-49.

Hearing Australia will also work with its partners, including The Shepherd Centre and Cochlear, to invest in small community hearing health pilots and supporting research to advance treatment and prevention strategies.

There are over 3.6 million people in Australia living with hearing loss and this number is expected to double by 2060. Each week, Hearing Australia helps over 10,000 infants, children, adults, First Nations peoples, pensioners and veterans, achieving satisfaction rates of 87 per cent.

Without this help, many children would have continued to struggle to hear, learn and engage with their families and communities.

To learn more about how Hearing Australia is improving the hearing health of our nation, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Government Services, Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher:

“The Australian Government provides support to over one million children and adults with hearing loss each year. This announcement will allow Hearing Australia to help more Australians get the support they need, when they need it.

"This new program will open doors for vulnerable people not currently supported through the Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program and will build on Hearing Australia’s 78-year legacy of changing the lives of millions of children and adults with hearing loss.”

Quotes attributable to Kim Terrell, Hearing Australia Managing Director:

“Hearing Australia is committed to improving the lives of people with hearing loss, regardless of their age, location or background. Our mission is to provide world leading research and hearing services for the wellbeing of all Australians.

“Hearing loss can be devastating and it’s not something people ‘just have to live with’. Hearing loss can make it difficult for people to engage and communicate, impacting a person’s ability to learn or find work. It can lead to social isolation, impacting wellbeing and mental health.

“I know from my own personal experience that getting help and using hearing aids can improve your life - at home, in the workplace, and in social settings.

“Hearing Australia will continue to work closely with the Australian Government, our partners and the community to prevent and address hearing loss. Together, we’re making it easier for all Australians to access the expert hearing care they deserve.”