Joint statement on Australian state, territory and local government response to the launch of the updated Australia’s Disability Strategy

The Australian Federal Government, all state and territory governments and the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), have today reaffirmed their commitment to building a more inclusive Australia, where all people with disability can participate on an equal basis, through the release of the updated Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

As part of the joint response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Australian and state and territory governments accepted the Royal Commission’s recommendation to review the Strategy.  

Throughout the review, people with disability, representative organisations and the Strategy’s Advisory Council shared their important perspectives on how governments can continue to improve the everyday lives of people with disability.

All governments are committed to the Strategy’s vision and policy priorities of breaking down barriers and creating accessible, inclusive communities where all people with disability can participate on an equal basis.

Governments have also established new Targeted Action Plans (TAPs) under the Strategy to apply an intensive focusing on Community Attitudes, Safety, Rights and Justice and Inclusive Homes and Communities, which are all areas that people with disability have identified as being of critical importance.

Each state, territory and many local governments are also implementing disability plan(s) in place to progress reform consistent with the Strategy.  

Governments will continue to work closely with the disability community, employers, unions, non-government organisations and the broader community as we move forward with this work, ensuring the voices, experience and lived expertise of people with disability are directly shaping the reforms that affect them.

Signed by the Prime Minister, all First Ministers and the President of ALGA, the Strategy is our national framework, based on the social model of disability, to improve the lives of people with disability in Australia over ten years.

The updated Strategy is accompanied by a range of supporting resources, including:

  • An updated 10-year milestone roadmap
  • A revised Data Improvement Plan
  • Guide to applying Australia’s Disability Strategy
  • Educational videos to outline what we have heard in the review and changes that are made
  • An accessible factsheet on updates to the Strategy.